Thursday, February 18, 2021

Politics Questions

 Politics - Questions

1) Who was the only British Prime Minister to be assassinated?

2) How long does Prime Minister’s Questions last?

3) How many Members of Parliament (MPs) are there?

4) What is the middle name of Angela Merkel?

5) America's Republican Party is commonly referred to as the GOP - what does the GOP stand for?

6) Who is Donald Trump's vice president?

7) In which year did Britain originally join the EEC, now known as the European Union?

8) How many of the six founding members of the European Union can you name? A point for each.

9) What is the name given to the group of people who make sure MPs attend important votes?

10) On what subject was the first referendum in Britain?

Politics - Answers

1) Spencer Perceval - May 1812

Spencer Perceval
2) 30 minutes

3) 650

4) Dorothea

5) Grand Old Party

6) Mike Pence

7) 1973

8) Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands

9) Whips

10) Remaining in the EEC (1975)

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