Monday, March 1, 2021

Random Facts You Won't Believe

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Interesting Facts You didn't even know about

1. Kangaroos Can not walk backwards.

2. Want chocolate smelling poo?  There is a pill for that.

3. The shortest war in history lasted for only 38 minutes.

4. Sea Lions have rhythm.  They are the only animal able to clap to a beat.

5. While you sleep you can’t smell anything – even really, really bad or potent smells.

6. Some tumors can grow hair, teeth, bones, even fingernails.

7. Your brain uses 10 watts of energy to think and does not feel pain.

8. Glass balls can bounce higher than rubber ones.

9. Hippopotamus milk is pink.

10. Your fingernails grow faster when you are cold.


  1. So I’m going to bounce a glass ball and a rubber ball... if I get in trouble, I’m telling my mom you said it would bounce higher lol 😂

    1. Sure you can try lol but the glass ball should bounce and not break 🤣 (Highly recommend a unbreakable marble). Now you can try😉



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