Friday, February 26, 2021

14 Most Interesting Facts

 " Don't Forget to Follow the Blog for more interesting facts and to win a monthly Netflix Subscription (Standard)"

1. There are more possible iterations of a game of chess than there are atoms in the known universe. — abbazabbbbbbba
Enoch Lau

2. Cleopatra lived closer in time to the Moon landing than to the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza. — StickleyMan 
Napoleon Sarony

3. It can take a photon 40,000 years to travel from the core of the sun to the surface, but only 8 minutes to travel the rest of the way to earth. — Bkaps 

4. It would take 1,200,000 mosquitoes, each sucking once, to completely drain the average human of blood. — Bat245 
Jim Gathany

5. Basically anything that melts can be made into glass. You just have to cool off a molten material before its molecules have time to realign into what they were before being melted. — cowboy-up 
Gilles Tran

6. A small percentage of the static you see on "dead" tv stations is left over radiation from the Big Bang. You're seeing residual effects of the Universe's creation. — FanInTheCorner  
Paul Lim

7. Written language was invented independently by the Egyptians, Sumerians, Chinese, and Mayans. — NumberMuncher  
Ad Meskens

8. If you were to remove all of the empty space from the atoms that make up every human on earth, the entire world population could fit into an apple. — TheSicilianDude 
fuji apple
Scott Bauer

9. Honey does not spoil. You could feasibly eat 3000 year old honey. — Bluecheezeplatter 

10. If you somehow found a way to extract all of the gold from the bubbling core of our lovely little planet, you would be able to cover all of the land in a layer of gold up to your knees. — 
Reno Chris

11. To know when to mate, a male giraffe will continuously headbutt the female in the bladder until she urinates. The male then tastes the pee and that helps it determine whether the female is ovulating. — Sir_Ostrich 
Hans Hillewaert

12. The Spanish national anthem has no words. — ricick 
spanish flag

13. The state sport of Maryland is jousting. — KdogCrusader 
Jeff Kubina

14. Dead people can get goose bumps. — 
goose bumps
Ildar Sagdejev

Thursday, February 25, 2021


"Follow My Blog to get a chance to Win a monthly subscription of Netflix"

Giant Pandas eat approximately 28 pounds of bamboo a day – that’s over 5 tons per year!

The Nobel Peace Prize is named for Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite.

Alfred Nobel

Cats are not able to taste anything that is sweet.

One of the ingredients needed to make dynamite is peanuts.

The largest living organism in the world is a fungus.  It is in Oregon, covering 2,200 acres and is still growing.


"Stay Tuned Will Be Back With More Interesting And Fun Facts" 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

General Knowledge Quiz USA


General Knowledge Quiz about the USA

Click the answer button to see the answer

  1. What are the two major parties in the US?.
    a. The Republicans and the Democrats.
    b. The Republics and the Socialists.
    c. The Democrats and the Socialists.
    d. The Conservationists and the Democrats.

  2. How many states are there in the US?.
    a. 49
    b. 50
    c. 51
    d. 48

  3. What do Americans celebrate on July 4th?
    a. Flag Day.
    b. The Revolution.
    c. The Discovery of America.
    d. Independence Day.

  4. In which year was the independence from England declared?
    a. 1776
    b. 1876
    c. 1676
    d. 1778

  5. Which president freed the slaves?.
    a. Thomas Jefferson
    b. George Washington
    c. Abrahan Lincoln
    d. Henry Ford

  6. Who was the civil rights leader who fought through nonviolent action?
    a. Thomas Paine
    b. Martin Luther King Jr.
    c. John Kennedy

  7. Who was the first person to walk on the moon?
    a. John Glenn
    b. Jim Lowell
    c. Neil Armstrong

  8. What was the name of the ship that brought the Pilgrims to New England in 1620?
    a. Pitta
    b. Sunflower
    c. Mayflower

  9. Where's the White House located?
    a. New York
    b. Washington, D.C.
    c. Houston

  10. What organization tries to find solutions to world problems and disputes?
    a. The United Nations
    b. IMF
    c. UNICEF
    d. Green Peace

  11. What does IMF stand for?
    a. International Monetary Foundation
    b. International Monetary Fund
    c. Internal Monetary Foundation
    d. Internal Monetary Fund

  12. Who said: 'We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal'?
    a. Bill Clinton
    b. George Washington
    c. Richard Nixon
    d. Thomas Jefferson

  13. Who is eligible for the Office of President?
    a. Anyone whose children are American
    b. Whoever served the army
    c. A natural born citizen
    d. An alien

  14. When was the nineteenth amendment to the Constitution giving women the right to vote ratified?
    a. 1938
    b. 1920
    c. 1968
    d. 1960

Sunday, February 21, 2021

MS Excel


What is Excel?

Microsoft Excel is a helpful and powerful program for data analysis and documentation. It is a spreadsheet program, which contains a number of columns and rows, where each intersection of a column and a row is a “cell.” Each cell contains one point of data or one piece of information. By organizing the information in this way, you can make information easier to find, and automatically draw information from changing data.

The Excel Interface

File Tab & Ribbon

In Excel 2010, the Office button Office Button has been replaced by a modification of the familiar File menu File button. Click to reveal the New, Open, Save, Print and Close options.

If you are upgrading to 2010 from 2007, not much of the interface has changed.  However, if you are upgrading from an older version of Excel, you may be unfamiliar with the new interface, which will be explained in the sections below. Seven tabs are displayed across the top-left of the window. When you select a tab, a number of options will be displayed as buttons with text labels and picture icons for easy identification. The tabs and their options are known as the Ribbon. The options are organized under the tabs in groups of related features. You can expand the groups by clicking the arrow Group Arrow in the right of the group box.

Home Tab

The Home tab contains the most common text editing tools used in Excel.

Shortcut Menu

The most common Excel commands and functions can be accessed quickly by using the shortcut menu. To access this feature, simply right-click the element you wish to edit if you are using a PC, or control-click the element you wish to edit if you are using a Mac. The options displayed will vary depending on the element you have selected.

Spreadsheet Basics

Each Excel file is a workbook that can hold many worksheets. The worksheet is a grid of columns (designated by letters) and rows (designated by numbers). The letters of the columns are indicated in the blue buttons across the top of the worksheet. The numbers of the rows are indicated in the blue buttons down the left of the worksheet. The intersection of a column and a row is called a cell. You can input your data into the cells. Cells can contain text, numbers, or formulas for automatic calculations. Each cell on the spreadsheet has a cell address that is the column letter followed by the row number.

Formula bar

This will be one of the most useful tools as you use Excel. The formula bar allows you to see all the details and methods used to return what is seen in a cell. Whenever you input any information into a cell, the output, or end result is what is shown once you move away from the cell. This is most prominent when using functions, as you do not see the whole equation in the cell in the worksheet, only the result. The formula bar is located below the ribbon and spans most of the window.


It is possible to hide the formula bar, though is not recommended. In order to hide or show the formula bar if it has mistakenly been hidden, go to Excel Options at the bottom right of the menu that opens when you click the Office button. Go to the Advanced option, and under Display, you can click the check box for Show formula bar. When done, simply click Ok.

options   excel_options_advanced

Adding a Worksheet

By default, three worksheets are included in each Excel workbook. You can access the different worksheets by clicking the worksheet tabs just above the status bar.

Worksheet Tabs

To add a new worksheet, click the Insert Worksheet tab, to the right of the existing worksheet tabs.

Renaming a Worksheet

To rename a worksheet tab, follow either of these steps:

  1. StepsActions
  2. Option 1
    1. Right-click the tab you want to rename if you are using a PC, or control-click the tab you want to rename if you are using a Mac. A shortcut menu will open.
    2. Click Rename from the shortcut menu.
    3. Type the new name.
    4. Press .
  3. Option 2
    1. Hover over the tab you want to rename, and double Left-click the tab.
    2. Begin typing to rename the tab.
    3. Press .



This section explains the basics of Excel.

Ribbon: Excel selects the ribbon's Home tab when you open it. Learn how to use the ribbon.

Workbook: A workbook is another word for your Excel file. When you start Excel, click Blank workbook to create an Excel workbook from scratch.

Worksheets: A worksheet is a collection of cells where you keep and manipulate the data. Each Excel workbook can contain multiple worksheets.

Format Cells: When we format cells in Excel, we change the appearance of a number without changing the number itself.

Find & Select: Learn how to use Excel's Find, Replace and Go To Special feature.

Templates: Instead of creating an Excel workbook from scratch, you can create a workbook based on a template. There are many free templates available, waiting to be used.

Data Validation: Use data validation in Excel to make sure that users enter certain values into a cell.

Keyboard Shortcuts: Keyboard shortcuts allow you to do things with your keyboard instead of your mouse to increase your speed.

Print: This chapter teaches you how to print a worksheet and how to change some important print settings in Excel.

10 Share: Learn how to share Excel data with Word documents and other files.

11 Protect: Encrypt an Excel file with a password so that it requires a password to open it.

Click Here for formulas

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Interesting Facts

 Interesting Facts

1. The STOMACH is injured when you do not have breakfast in the morning.

Stomach Pain

2. The KIDNEYS are injured when you do not even drink 10 glasses of water in 24 hours.

3. The GALLBLADDER is injured when you do not even sleep until 11 o' clock and do not wake up to the sunrise.

4. The SMALL INTESTINE is injured when you eat cold and stale food.

Small Intestine

5. The LARGE INTESTINE is injured when you eat more fried and spicy food.

Fried and Spicy

6. The LUNGS are injured when you breathe in smoke and stay in polluted environment of cigarettes.

7. The LIVER is injured when you eat heavy fried food, junk and fast food.

Junk Food

8. The HEART is injured when you eat your meal with more salt and cholesterol.

High Cholesterol Food

9. The PANCREAS is injured when you eat sweet things because they are tasty and freely available.


10. The EYES are injured when you work in the light of mobile phone and computer screen in the dark.

11. The BRAIN is injured when you start thinking about negative thoughts.


12. The SOUL gets injured when you don't have family and friends to care and share with you in life their love, affection, happiness, sorrow and joy.

" Take Good Care of your Body and Stay Safe and Healthy Always"

Friday, February 19, 2021

Current Affairs

 Current Affairs

Q.1. According to India Ratings and Research, what percent of India's GDP is estimated to be in FY 2022?

Ans. 10.4%

Q.2. Which state government has launched the Maa Yojana to provide food to the poor for free at Rs 5?

Ans. West Bengal

Q.3. Who wrote the book 'The Terrible Horrible Very Bad Good News'?

Ans. Meghna Pant

Q.4. Which state's chief minister has inaugurated the Abhyudaya scheme?

Ans. Uttar Pradesh

Q.5. Which country has launched Cargo Spacecraft Progress 77 '?

Ans. Russia

Russia's Progress 72 resupply ship is pictured approaching the International Space Station's Pirs docking compartment on April 4, 2019

Q.6. Which state has made Aadhaar card mandatory for Covid-19 vaccination?

Ans. Bihar

Q.7. Where has the famous three-day Mandu Mahotsa started?

Ans. Madhya Pradesh

Madhya Pradesh

Q.8. With whom has HCL Technology tied up for cooperation in the area of ​​cyber security?

Ans. IIT Kanpur

Q.9. What is the percentage increase in the production of Khadi?

Ans. 29%

Q.10. Where is the National Sanskrit Festival 2021 going to be held?

Ans. West Bengal

National Sanskrit Festival

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Politics Questions

 Politics - Questions

1) Who was the only British Prime Minister to be assassinated?

2) How long does Prime Minister’s Questions last?

3) How many Members of Parliament (MPs) are there?

4) What is the middle name of Angela Merkel?

5) America's Republican Party is commonly referred to as the GOP - what does the GOP stand for?

6) Who is Donald Trump's vice president?

7) In which year did Britain originally join the EEC, now known as the European Union?

8) How many of the six founding members of the European Union can you name? A point for each.

9) What is the name given to the group of people who make sure MPs attend important votes?

10) On what subject was the first referendum in Britain?

Politics - Answers

1) Spencer Perceval - May 1812

Spencer Perceval
2) 30 minutes

3) 650

4) Dorothea

5) Grand Old Party

6) Mike Pence

7) 1973

8) Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands

9) Whips

10) Remaining in the EEC (1975)


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